
Webcast: Gas sensor ecosystem is ready for market boost

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FREE WEBCAST – December 7th at 5:00 PM CET

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Gas sensor ecosystem is ready for market boostAir quality is becoming critical, technology is improving, new regulations are emerging: gas sensors may be a solution

Nowadays, the number of enforceable patents dedicated to miniaturized gas sensors is increasing worldwide, and several companies already stand out by their strong IP position. According Yole Développement’s analysts , the market size of gas sensors for consumer applications should grow from US$12 million in 2015 to more than US$95 million in 2021, with an upside of US$60 million if massive adoption of the innovative technologies is confirmed. With a 33% CAGR between 2014 and 2020, this segment is poised to experience the highest grow rate of the gas sensor market. All of these signs suggest the market start. “In such emerging market, a strong IP position on miniaturized gas sensors is thus essential for companies to enter in this promising business…

Join the webcast and:

  • Understand how disruptive technologies and emerging applications could make the gas sensor market skyrocket
  • Obtain a clear understanding of gas sensor applications through market segmentation
  • Detail market forecasts in units and value for consumer and other gas sensing applications
  • Discuss the new technical challenges to answer the emerging needs
  • Get an overview of the Key players mapping, supply chain analysis, collaborations
  • Discover the patent landscape of gas sensing technologies that could be used in consumer applications (i.e. miniaturized gas sensors, based on existing MEMS/Semiconductor/Photonic integration platforms and manufactured by micro-manufacturing processes)
  • Understand the discrepancies between the current market leaders for gas sensors (Honeywell, MSA, NGK, Figaro) and the key patent assignees for miniaturized gas sensors (Bosch, Siemens, Micronas, CCMOS)


Xavier Baraton ST BW

Eric Mounier, MEMS Devices & Technologies Senior Analyst, Yole Développement

Dr. Eric Mounier has a PhD in microelectronics from the INPG in Grenoble. He previously worked at CEA LETI R&D lab in Grenoble, France in marketing dept. Since 1998 he is a cofounder of Yole Développement, a market research company based in France. At Yole Développement, Dr. Eric Mounier is in charge of market analysis for MEMS & Sensors, visible and IR imagers (CIS, microbolometers), semiconductors, printed electronics and photonics (e.g. Silicon photonics). He has contributed to more than 200 marketing & technological analysis and 100 reports. Eric is also an expert at the OMNT (“Observatoire des Micro & Nanotechnologies”) for Optics.


Pierre Cambou - Yole Développement

Fleur Thissandier Patent & Technology Analyst – Materials, Chemistry, Battery at KnowMade

Dr Fleur Thissandier works for Knowmade in the field of Microelectronics and Chemistry. She holds a PhD in Chemistry of Materials and Electrochemistry from CEA/INAC, Grenoble, France. She also holds a Chemistry Engineering Degree from the Superior National School of Chemistry (ENSCM), Montpellier, France.




Yannick Levy Parrot - Webcast Sensors for Drones and Robots - Yole Développement
Romain Fraux MEMS Devices, IC’s and Advanced Packaging Project Manager at System Plus Consulting

Romain Fraux is Project Manager for Reverse Costing analyses at System Plus Consulting. Since 2006, Romain is in charge of costing analyses of MEMS devices, Integrated Circuit and Advanced Packaging. He has significant experience in the modeling of the manufacturing costs of electronics components. Romain has a BEng from Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh, Scotland and a master’s degree in Microelectronics from the University of Nantes, France.





Camille Veyrier, Marketing & Communication Project Manager, Yole Développement

Since 2009, Camille Veyrier has been one of Yole Développement’s Marketing and Communication Project Managers, in charge of events organization and media product development (websites, e-newsletters, etc.). Camille works closely with Yole Développement’s Corporate Communication department, specifically in the fields of Power Electronics, Advanced Packaging, Compound Semiconductors, LED and Displays. Camille earned a degree in Communication & Marketing from a leading Translation and International Business school in Lyon.



Discover the related report about Gas Sensors here


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Contact: Clotilde Fabre – Fabre@yole.fr

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