
GaAs: a technical breakthrough pushed by photonics

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“As of 2020, photonics and LEDs represent the main drivers for this markets.” asserts Ahmed Ben Slimane, PhD. Technology & Market Analyst, specialized in Compound Semiconductors at Yole Développement (Yole).“In the past few years, the GaAs wafer market has been dominated by RF application. The total GaAs wafer market will increase from US$200 million in 2019 to more than US$348 million by 2025, with a CAGR of 10%”.

In this context, the market research & strategy consulting company Yole deeply investigates GaAs wafer and epiwafer technologies and related industries, and proposes today its new technology & market analysis report: GaAs Wafer and Epiwafer Market: RF, Photonics, LED, Display and PV Applications 2020. In this study, analysts provide a deep understanding of the GaAs industry and define GaAs wafer and epiwafer market dynamics, including the identification and the analysis of the ecosystem and a technical description of GaAs wafer growth and epiwafer growth technologies. This study is segmented into “the big five” markets: RF, Photonics, LED, display, and PV, along with market and technology trends and forecasts. Moreover, this report analyzes the impact of COVID-19 and proposes an updated wafer and epiwafer market forecast in addition to an overview of miniLED & microLED, VCSEL, and EEL technologies.

What is the status of the GaAs industry? How will the market evolve? Who are the major players by market? Who are the key suppliers to watch, and what technologies do they provide? What are the main technical challenges? Yole presents today their vision of the GaAs wafer and epiwafer industry… More info.

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