LED-based product development: a breakthrough in design methodology
Delphi4LED, a consortium with 15 partners from 7 countries bringing together luminaire makers, academia, and software partners – The strong competition between LED companies is not a secret to anyone. The number of LED makers, especially the Chinese ones is today really impressive. Looking for innovative lighting solutions with higher performance and lower costs, the companies investigate how to reduce development time and manufacturing costs.
Under this dynamic context, the European Consortium, Delphi4LED has found a new way of thinking, a new way to develop efficient lighting solutions, especially for the attractive automotive and general lighting markets. For example, the lighting market for automotive applications is showing impressive revenues to reach about $37.3 billion in 2023.
Created in 2016, Delphi4LED gathers the expertise of European leading organizations dealing with LED integration, SIGNIFY (PHILIPS) (NL, FR), TU/e (NL), BME (HU), Mentor Graphics (HU, UK) VTT (FI), LDC (FI), FLEXBRIGHT (FI), MAGILLEM (FR), INGELUX (FR), PI LIGHTING (CH), PISEO (FR), ECCE’LECTRO (FR), FEILO-SYLVANIA (HAVELLS) (BE).
Delphi4LED is supported by the ECSEL Joint Undertaking – the Public-Private Partnership for Electronic Components and Systems, a funding program of the European Union, completed with the financial support of the national funding authorities of the participating countries involved in the consortium.
The objective of the Delphi4LED project was to develop a standardized method to create multi-domain LED based design and simulation tools for the solid-state lighting industry from measurements.
Delphi4LED consortium is a smart combination of 15 partners from 7 different countries. Luminaire makers, academia, technical centers, software players and lighting designers share their knowledge of the LED technology to propose a valuable solution to the lighting industry. Delphi4LED’s partners are part of the overall LED value-chain and offer a high added-value LED knowledge … More info.