
Power electronics industry: China is playing a new role

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“China is the leader in systems for several power electronics applications segments” asserts Anna Villamor, PhD. Technology & Market Analyst, Power Electronics & Compound Semiconductors within the Power & Wireless division at Yole Développement (Yole). Chinese companies such as BYD, Huawei, CRRC and Sungrow are amongst the leading players worldwide. However, in power electronic device manufacturing, China still strongly depends on foreign suppliers, which include Infineon Technologies, Fuji Electric and Mitsubishi Electric.

And Milan Rosina, PhD. Principal Analyst at Yole affirms: “Indeed, although China is the biggest market for electric and hybrid electric vehicles, foreign suppliers still provide a big proportion of power modules integrated into systems in China”.

In this context, both partners, Yole and System Plus Consulting investigate the power electronics industry and related disruptive technologies in depth. Their aim is to point out the latest innovations and underline the business opportunities.

Released today, the Status of the Power Electronic Industry 2020 report is one of the annual bestsellers proposed by the market research & consulting company Yole. This report delivers a detailed analysis of the power electronics industry, its latest market challenges and technical issues.

In parallel, System Plus Consulting provides a full reverse engineering and costing study of the StarPower module GD820HTX75P6H. This Tri-Pack power module, in a P6 package from StarPower, drives 820 A with a voltage rating of 750 V. System Plus Consulting’s report provides insights about technology data, manufacturing cost and the selling price of the module. It includes an estimated manufacturing cost of all the module’s components .

What is the status of the power electronics industry? What are the key drivers of this industry? What are the impacts of the COVID-19 on the different power electronics market segments? Who are the key players to watch and their market positioning? What are the latest innovations?

Yole and System Plus Consulting present today their vision of the power electronics industry… More info.

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