
Small-dimension wafer industry: Yole foresees bright prospects for the future

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“The small-wafer (1’’ – 6’’) market is anything but “dead”,” asserts Gaël Giusti, PhD., Technology & Market Analyst specializing in Semiconductor Manufacturing and Equipment & Materials at Yole Développement (Yole). “At Yole, we forecast 1,8% CAGR between 2019 and 2025 and estimated revenues of US$5.4 billion in 2025. More than Moore applications represent the overwhelming part of this market, and as such it is still very dynamic. In fact, non-Si wafer markets exhibit moderate to strong CAGRs over the 2019 – 2025 period: for example, 19.5% for SiC, with revenues estimated at US$712 million in 2025. Only Si exhibits a moderate negative CAGR, with -3.3% over the same period for sub-6’’ Si wafers, due mostly to power and RF applications increasingly transitioning to 8’’ and even 12’’”.

In this context, the market research & strategy consulting company investigates disruptive technologies and related markets in depth, in order to point out the latest technical innovations and underline the business opportunities.

Released today, the 6’’ and Below: Small-Dimension Wafer Market Trends report gives detailed analysis of the small-dimension wafer market by material, application, and diameter. It also describes the key benefits, added value, and drivers for using small-dimension wafers in the semiconductor industry. Yole’s report deliver a relevant overview of the market trends and forecasts, supply chain, key players and technology trends. The analysts had the opportunity to discuss about the ecosystem, with a focus on China and Russia. At the end, this study is offering a significant snapshot dedicated to the related equipment market and fabs as well as the emerging wafer reclaim industry.

What are the economic and technological challenges of the small-wafers industry? What are the key drivers? Who are the key suppliers to watch, and what innovative technologies are they working on? Yole’s analysts present today their vision of the 6’’-and-below wafer diameter industry… More info.

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