
YG PRESS NEWS – Processors lead the way in the field of semiconductor technology

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The CPU and GPU markets have been weakened due to a significant decline in consumer demand, while AI innovation and chiplet integration continue to make strides forward.

  • The CPU, GPU, and APU markets are being negatively affected by macro-economic pressures, leading to a decrease in demand for consumer electronics.
  • The interest in server and data center applications is increasing, particularly with the emergence of new applications such as ChatGPT, which is generating excitement around accelerated AI inference.
  • New architectures are emerging and posing a threat to incumbents in the major applications, causing the landscape of the processor market to undergo continuous evolution.

A fast-growing trend within the processor market is the use of chiplets as an alternative to the ever-growing silicon area requirements, especially at the highest tiers of performance. In the Processor Monitor, Yole Intelligence, part of Yole Group, tracks the use of chiplets in the main processor segments and forecast their penetration. As the use of chiplets carries implications for yield, cost, and time-to-market, the monitor contemplates and adjusts for these factors in the forecast. Yole Intelligence’s quarterly processor market monitor traces the market value of processors, not just back to their respective designers but also to the various foundry partners, where we analyze the level of wafer production at each process node and include our findings in the forecast. Underpinning the monitor is a market model built from the consolidation of top-down and bottom-up market data, rationalized through a technology model that keeps track and forecasts key technological metrics like die size, process node, and transistor count… For more information about this analysis, please contact us!

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june 2021

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