
YG PRESS NEWS – The ultimate top players SAW filter comparison

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ACT, Anuki, Broadcom, Skyworks, Kyocera, Murata, Qorvo, Qualcomm… multiple companies are competing in the SAW filter market.

  • From the discrete filters and duplexers categories, Murata has the largest SAW filter market share.
  • The filter market is expected to reach US$8 billion in 2022, with POI SAW having significant momentum in the SAW-based filter segment.
  • A strong activity in high-end filter technology can be witnessed, either BAW SMR or FBAR, and XBAR is expected to enter the market.

The SAW filter technologies include three main processes: SAW, Thermo-Compensate SAW (TC-SAW) and Multi-layer SAW (ML-SAW). It also possible to encounter stacked SAW filters. SAW filters use the piezoelectric materials like lithium tantalate (LiTaO3 or LT) or lithium niobate (LiNbO3 or LN) as substrates. Usually, the substrate is based on LT or LN but in some cases, LT or LN substrate on silicon substrate (bonded together) can be found. This is what we call Multi-layer SAW and these include piezo-on-insulator (POI).
Considering the three principal processes, different companies are competing in the market. Numerous Asia based companies like Kyocera, Wisol, e.t.c are involved in the pure SAW market share. Coming to the TC-SAW and ML-SAW technologies, the market is split between five players: Skyworks, Qorvo and three companies that have incorporated ML-SAW technology in their portfolio Murata (back in 2019 ), Qualcomm (back in 2020 ) and recently Broadcom…

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june 2021

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