Tradeshows & Conferences

IDW 2021

Yole Développement invites you to join us at the IDW 2021.

The 28th International Display Workshops (IDW ’21), which brings together the world’s electronic display industry, will be held as a virtual conference from December 1 (Wednesday) to 3 (Friday), 2021.
IDW consists of workshops technically categorized into specialized domains playing important roles in the information display technology and its application. Each workshop organizes its own sessions, which consist of oral presentations by invited/contributing speakers and lightning talks. The conference will be held in a virtual format. Presenters and attendees can discuss via video/audio or text chat tools. The workshops should be of interest not only to researchers and engineers, but also those who manage companies and institutions in the information display community.
The proceedings of IDW ’21 and recorded session videos will be available both during and after the conference until late January 2022. In addition, a few months after the conference, the proceedings will be provided as an online open-access archive and each paper will be given a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Yole Développement will participate in the following:

“MicroLED Displays Continuous Progress”

By Zine Bouhamri, Team Lead Analyst, Imaging & Display, Yole Développement

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