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Exploring the future of MEMS Technology

Initiated in March 2009, the MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) Engineer Forum (MEF) has consistently served as a pivotal platform for MEMS researchers, developers, and engineers worldwide. Now in its 15th annual iteration, MEF 2024 continues its legacy of fostering collaboration and exploration within the MEMS community.

Gain insights into the current landscape of MEMS technology and anticipate its evolution in the coming decade. Engage with leading experts, exchange ideas, and unearth opportunities that pave the way for groundbreaking advancements.

Join Yole Group and embark on a journey of discovery at MEF 2024, where innovation knows no bounds and the future of technology awaits and where pioneering engineers converge to delve into the intricate realm of MEMS technology.

Yole Group will be part of the program with:

Jérôme Mouly
Deputy Director, More than Moore Business Line

Wednesday, April 17th
9:50-10:15am: Trends, promising applications and ecosystem polarization – a status of the MEMS Industry

Massive transformation in the automotive end-market related to the electrification of cars, or autonomous driving, along with mega-trends of the industry 4.0 are expected to support the growth of the MEMS industry, offsetting the relative stagnation of the consumer market. This should lead to new market opportunities for MEMS micromirrors, microphones, microbolometers or allow shifting to new applications for more conventional devices like Pressure sensors. Fluctuation in the demand along with economic disturbances are showing a polarization of the ecosystem, leading to heterogeneous innovation processes. The presentation will show a status of the MEMS industry and the key trends of the next 5 years. It will also highlight the evolution of the MEMS ecosystem in the current global economic context. Yole is delighted to be invited to the MEMS Engineer Forum to present the 20th edition of our best-seller report “Status of the MEMS Industry”.

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