Tradeshows & Conferences

SCAPE 2022

Yole Développement invites you to join us at SCAPE 2022.

Welcome to SCAPE 2022! On 16-17 May 2022, we invite you to an international workshop on applications in power electronics of broadband gap technology (WBG) and components, SCAPE. Organisers are RISE, WBG Power Center, Yole Développement and the Swedish Energy Agency.
The day before on May 15, we invite you to a tutorial.


SCAPE 2022 (also known as ISiCPEAW and IWBGPEAW) is a three days event consisting of two workshop days preceded by one tutorial day. The event provides opportunity to meet international experts and discuss the latest developments and innovations in power electronics applications of wide bandgap (WBG) technologies.


Two day workshop, the 16-17 May 2022, has focus on the latest developments in wide bandgap (WBG) devices, power modules, packaging technologies, power electronics applications of SiC and GaN devices, and power modules. You can participate on-site or on-line.

The program is under preparation and will be announced at this site when done.

So far please consult Scape 2019 program


One day prior to the workshop, the 15 Maj 2022, you are welcome to participate in a tutorial. The subjects of the tutorial will be given shortly here. Tutorial takes place on-line.


Registration is done using links to Meetx registration page.


  • Workshop (on-site) & tutorial  (SEK 4500 exkl. VAT 25%)
  • Workshop (on-line) & tutorial  (SEK 2500 exkl. VAT 25%)
  • Workshop & tutorial student  (on-site) (SEK 2250 exkl. VAT 25%)
  • Workshop & tutorial student  (on-line) (SEK 1250 exkl. VAT 25%)
  • Only tutorial (on-line) (SEK 500 exkl. VAT 25%)


Workshop: Radison Blu Royal Park Hotel, Frösundaviks Allé 15, Solna.

Tutorial: on-line by Teams.

How to get there

Arriving at Arlanda airport: please consult the hotel website for instructions Royal Park Hotel STHLM (Workshop on-site)

From city center: take local train from Stockholm Central in direction of Upplands Väsby. Get off at Solna Station. Change to bus 57 in direction Frösunda Strand and get off at Frösunda Strand bus stop. From here there is about 400 m walk to the hotel. Total travel time is about 30 minutes.


We recommend to stay at Royal Park Hotel STHLM where the workshop takes place. A number of rooms are reserved (May 15 – 17) at a reduced price.

Please make your reservation by email at or call +46 8 624 55 20. State booking code 48454 when mailing or calling.

Please note: We strongly recommend to book a room well in advance. It can be hard to find free rooms in Stockholm during this time. The number of reserved rooms will also gradually decrease as the event approaches.

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