Tradeshows & Conferences

SCAPE 2024

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Unveiling the Future of Wide Bandgap Power Electronics

The international workshop, SCAPE 2024, is dedicated to the applications of wide bandgap (WBG) power electronics. This event is set to uncover the latest results and innovations in the realm of power electronics applications, focusing on wide bandgap materials such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride.

SCAPE 2024, formerly recognized as ISiCPEAW and IWBGPEAW, spans three impactful days in Stockholm. This event gathers international experts to share their insights, recent developments, and visions pertaining to electronics applications using wide bandgap materials.

Join Yole Group as we actively contribute to the discourse on the future of power electronics. As speakers, we are committed to delivering valuable insights and fostering discussions that shape the industry’s trajectory. This collaborative journey offers not only a unique opportunity to learn but also a chance to network with individuals at the forefront of innovation.

Yole Group will be part of the program with:

Elena Barbarini
Business Line Director, Manufacturing & Global Supply Chain activities

Wednesday, May 15th
11:40 – 12am: Market & Roadmap: GaN & SiC power device – Technology & Market overview

1:30 – 2:20pm: Chair for Panel Discussion: Subject and panelists to be informed later

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