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Unlock Opportunities in the Heart of Innovation

Explore limitless possibilities at SEMICON China, where the pulse of the world’s fastest-growing microelectronics market beats. Seize the spotlight to present your cutting-edge products, breakthrough technologies, and elevate your brand among the most discerning industry professionals in China.

SEMICON China stands as a premier platform, bringing together the brightest minds, industry leaders, and innovators in the semiconductor ecosystem. It’s a melting pot of ideas, trends, and advancements shaping the future of the semiconductor industry.

Join us on March 20-22 at SEMICON China and be at the forefront of the dynamic future of microelectronics. Our team of analysts will be present at the event, ready to answer all your questions and provide in-depth insights into the semiconductor landscape. Join us at the main stage as our analysts take the spotlight, sharing their expertise and contributing to the collective knowledge of the semiconductor community.

Yole Group will be part of the program with:

Emilie Jolivet
Business Line Director, More Moore activities

Thursday, March 21st
10am-11am: Industry Strategic Symposium (ISS) SEMI Innovation and Investment Forum (SIIP China)

Zine Bouhamri
Activity Manager, Imaging & Display

Wednesday, March 20th
4pm-5:30pm: CDC Metaverse – Display on Silicon 

Yole Group analysts will attend the event:

Senior Technology & Market Analyst, Semiconductor Equipment

Senior Technology & Market Analyst, Semiconductor Equipment

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