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3 events, 2 days, over 800 delegates and 90 exhibitors

The 9th PIC International conference aims to connect, educate, and inspire the photonic integrated circuit (PIC) industry. With presentations covering seven sectors, attendees will gain insights into topics like Hybrid PICs: Pioneering New Frontiers in Photonic Integration; PIC Packaging: Securing Optimal Integration and Performance; Quantum Era: Unleashing PICs’ Boundless Potential; Rapid Scaling: Foundries Fuelling PICs’ Mass Production; Accelerating PIC Adoption in Established Markets; PIC Size and Simulation: Enhancing Design Efficiency, and Power Efficiency: Minimizing Consumption in PICs.

The event offers a comprehensive overview of the global integrated photonics industry, facilitates networking opportunities with industry leaders, and showcases the latest advancements in PIC technology. Themes like hybrid PICs explore the integration of different material platforms, while packaging focuses on efficient assembly and protection. Quantum PICs discuss the potential of quantum properties in photonics, and volume scaling with foundries enables cost-effective mass production. Deployment in established markets highlights the benefits of PICs in telecommunications and data centers, while PIC footprint addresses size constraints. Additionally, strategies to reduce power consumption in PICs, such as efficient component design and power management techniques, are discussed.

Yole Group is thrilled to be part of this exciting events:


Meet Yole Group analysts at booth #49 and look through our latest market, technology, reverse engineering and reverse costing analysis with direct discussion with the team!

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Yole Group will be part of the program with:

Eric Mounier
Chief Analyst, Photonic & Sensing

Wednesday, April 17th
1:55pm: Silicon Photonics Market and Applications: from Optical Transceivers to Emerging Uses

Since its inception in the 80s, silicon photonics has evolved significantly, transitioning from the development of high-confinement waveguides to a technology that integrates materials, processes, and packaging techniques from the CMOS industry. This evolution has solidified its dominance in the transceiver market. Despite this success, silicon photonics remains a technology in active development, with numerous potential applications on the horizon, promising abundant opportunities for expansion. The demand for faster data processing in areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is expected to drive the adoption of silicon photonics in the coming years. With conventional computing architectures reaching their physical limits, there is a growing need for faster data transmission. Silicon photonics, with its ability to facilitate high-speed communication, is poised to meet this demand. Beyond data centers and telecommunications, silicon photonics holds promise in areas such as optical LiDAR systems, quantum computing, optical computing, and medical applications. However, challenges such as cost, standardization, and regulatory hurdles need to be addressed for widespread adoption in these sectors. The silicon photonics market is expected to experience rapid growth, driven by the demand for high-data-rate pluggable modules and the scaling of ML models using optical I/O in ML servers. By 2028, the market is forecasted to exceed $600M, representing a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 44% from 2022. This growth trajectory underscores the increasing importance and versatility of silicon photonics in meeting the demands of modern computing and communication systems, but also in sensing applications. The presentation will cover market forecasts for communication, computing, and sensing applications, along with insights into the industrial landscape and the latest technological trends in Silicon Photonics.

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