
Power electronics: a move towards 300mm

The power electronics industry is showing an healthy growth for several years now. According to its latest power electronics reports, Status of the Power Electronics Industry and Status of the Inverter IndustryYole Développement (Yole) announces, in 2018, a US$53.4 billion inverter market as well as a US$17.5 billion for power semiconductor devices market segment.
“Key driving factors include electrical power conversion optimization and expansion, driven by electrification trends in transportation, CO2 emission reduction goals, the development of clean electricity sources, and industrialization”, details Ana Villamor, Technology & Market Analyst at Yole.
“The biggest increase will be seen in IGBT modules, which is still driven by the requirement for high power efficiency and density from the main power applications”,
 adds Elena Barbarini, Head of Department Devices at System Plus Consulting“Today, modules still represent 23% of the total market.”
The expected increase in the CAGR of IGBTs during the coming years is directly linked with the current investments in manufacturing lines from various players. Indeed, some of the big players are preparing for 300mm production…

Yole Group of Companies, including Yole and System Plus Consulting investigates the power electronics world for a while. The Group publishes all year long a multiple collection of technology, market, reverse engineering and costing reports focused on the power electronic markets and related products. Both companies combine their technical expertise and market knowledge to deliver valuable and comprehensive analyses.
Amongs its numerous reverse engineering and costing analyses, System Plus Consulting also proposes in-depth technical & cost comparisons. Aim of these reports is to present the state of the art of the technology, highlight similarities and differences in design and manufacturing processes, measure the impact at the device level and evaluage the production cost. These reports are useful to evaluate a technology, compare it with competitive solutions and select the most relevant one for its own project. SiC MOSFET ComparisonGaN-Based Wall Charger Comparison and Automotive Power Module Packaging Comparison are the most well-known. But the company proposes additional topics including RF , MEMS , optics…More

“The main driving application with a huge market potential and technological innovation is, without doubts, EV/HEVs ,” explains Ana Villamor from Yole. “But let’s not forget that there are other applications that are boosted by electrification needs and by EV/HEVs…”More info.

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