Market and Technology Trends

6’’ and Below: Small-Dimension Wafer Market Trends 2020

By Yole Intelligence

Wafer fabs never die: small-dimension wafer is still a growing market.

Key features of the report

  • Comprehensive analysis of the small-dimension wafer market by material, application, and diameter
  • Description of the key benefits, added value, and drivers for using small-dimension wafers in the semiconductor industry
  • The emerging wafer reclaim industry
  • 2019 - 2025 small-wafer market forecasts: breakdown by material, application, and wafer diameter
  • Summary of key players by wafer material, and discussion of the global supply chain
  • Focus on China and Russia

Objectives of the report

  • Assess the wafer market (up to 6-inch) for More than Moore (MtM) devices
  • Submit a wafer-starts analysis and metrics by MtM application segment and split by wafer size and material (2019 - 2025)
  • Define the key drivers for using small wafer sizes
  • Describe the ecosystem and positioning of key players in the sub-6’’ wafer diameter market

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