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Where the World’s Electronic Display Industry Meets

Display Week 2024 offers razor-sharp clarity on the innovations that will shape the future of display and imaging. More than 200 industry-leading companies bring their newest products to the world’s largest symposium and exhibition for emerging display technologies, presented by the Society for Information Display. It’s the first look at LED, OLED, miniLED, microLED, quantum dot, and other technologies that will revolutionize applications across all sectors, from automotive to entertainment.


Join Yole Group on May 12-17 at Display Week 2024 and be at the forefront of the dynamic future of the industry.

Our team of analysts will be present at the event, ready to answer all your questions and provide in-depth insights into the display landscape. Register Today!

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Yole Group will be part of program with:

Eric Virey, PhD.
Principal Analyst, Display

Thursday, May 16
03:10 PM: Can microLED beat OLED?

As a self-emissive technology, microLED displays retain all benefits of OLEDs and should be able to improve on many aspects, but will it be enough to guaranty success? In February 2024, leading proponent Apple canceled its microLED smartwatch project. More generally, as microLED keeps getting delayed and OLED keeps improving, the value proposition of microLED is shrinking. This paper looks at how the technology could deliver stronger differentiation.

Yole Group analysts will attend the event:

Zine Bouhamri, PhD.
Activity Manager, Imaging & Display

Eric Virey, PhD.
Principal Analyst, Display

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