
BOE A plans to invest 46.5 billion AMOLED production line settled in Mianyang

Investment 46.5 billion in the sixth generation of BOE AMOLED (flexible production line project officially signed in Mianyang, which marks the largest single industrial investment projects in Sichuan Province, one officially settled in Mianyang.

BOE A (00072510 30 evening announcement, the company on October 28 and Mianyang Municipal People’s Government signed << sixth-generation AMOLED (flexible production line project investment framework agreement >>, the total investment of 46.5 billion yuan, the two sides will be established in Mianyang City Project company, the registered capital of 26 billion yuan, the company responsible for raising 6 billion yuan.

BOE said it will strive to project at the latest in the second quarter of 2017 officially started production in 2019. After the completion of the project will help enhance the company in small and medium-sized high-end display, especially in the field of flexible AMOLED global competitiveness.

28, held a signing ceremony, the party secretary of Panyuhang Mianyang, BOE Technology Group Chairman Wang Dongsheng, deputy director of Sichuan Provincial Investment Promotion Agency Dai Shaoquan attended the signing ceremony and delivered a speech.

Peng Yuhang said in his speech, Mianyang and Sichuan Province, one of the largest single industrial investment projects, a total investment of 46.5 billion in the sixth generation of the Mianyang BOE production line project, the official open to the public.

Wang Dongsheng said that BOE’s sixth-generation AMOLED (flexible production line is currently the world’s leading display product line.) As a global leader in display technology, BOE is fully confident to create the most globally competitive AMOLED industrial base for the Mianyang Economic Society Development.

As an important base of electronic information industry in Sichuan, Mianyang has a solid foundation of electronic information industry and strong scientific research power. , TV, car, digital information display and other display areas.The signing of the project will further expand the areas of cooperation between the two sides to bring more LCD related products and supporting key components enterprises gathered in Sichuan to form research and development, manufacturing, Sales and other industrial chain on the lower reaches of the comprehensive industrial base.

According to reports, the 6th generation AMOLED (flexible production line project total investment of 46.5 billion yuan, about 1,200 acres of land, the project settled in Mianyang National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone. Project design capacity of 48K glass substrate / month, for the production of small size High-end mobile phone display and new mobile display products.The project plans to start construction in December 2016, formally put into operation in 2019. This is the BOE Technology Group in Chengdu following the investment AMOLED (flexible production line, the establishment of the latest 6th generation AMOLED (flexible production line .

According to industry insiders, with the smart phones, wearable equipment, automotive display, AR / VR and other electronic products equipped with flexible display of rapid development and popularity of small and medium sized product market showed strong demand trend, especially AMOLED technology as the representative High-performance new display technology, is its performance in the display, thin, flexible and other unique performance advantages, to accelerate into the high-end smart phones and wearable devices and other intelligent terminal market, the prospects for optimism.

