
Dell’Oro predicts data center interconnect platform sales to increase 85% in next five years

Market research firm Dell’Oro has opened targeted coverage of the data center interconnect (DCI) space with a report in which it predicts sales of DCI hardware will grow 85% over the next five years. Dell’Oro has defined the DCI market as comprising optical transport, data center core, and WAN niches.

Within these areas, salient technologies that Dell’Oro will detail include optical transport, Ethernet data center switches, and routing. In the initial report, the market research company predicts that optical transport networks will drive the greatest share value in DCI through 2022.

Data traffic within the cloud is increasing at unabated rates, and DCI networks are integral to carrying the traffic,” said Shin Umeda, vice president at Dell’Oro. “We see strong demand for a wide range of networking gear for DCI, from the fiber-optic layer up to the packet forwarding layer, and our forecast takes into account how these network layers are interrelated.”

Dell’Oro analysts report Ciena led the market within the optical transport segment in 2017, with Juniper Networks taking the top market share position in both WAN and data center core networks.

The inaugural Advanced Research: Data Center Interconnect report provides an overview and a 5-year forecast on the worldwide DCI market, along with a market share snapshot of participating suppliers. It leverages research from the senior analysts of Dell’Oro’s Optical Transport, Ethernet Data Center Switch, and Router programs.

