
Energous reaches milestone as it secures regulatory approval for its WattUp wireless charging technology in 100 countries worldwide

As part of its global regulatory campaign, the company reaches a major milestone as WattUp is approved to ship in 100 countries including the U.S., United Kingdom, European Union, Taiwan, India, Australia and Canada. Energous, the developer of WattUp, a revolutionary wire-free, power-at-a-distance charging technology, announced that it has secured regulatory certification for its WattUp Near Field wireless charging technology in 100 countries around the world, including the United States, Australia, Canada, India, Taiwan and the entire European Union.

As the player in Wireless Charging 2.0, we are paving the way for our customers to launch WattUp-enabled consumer electronic and IoT devices on a global basis. While each WattUp-enabled device requires its own certification, our customers will be able to reference the Energous certifications to expedite the regulatory process,” said Stephen R. Rizzone, CEO of Energous. “Initial roll outs from our customers to consumers will begin in the coming weeks, followed by full global releases as the remaining certifications are secured.

WattUp is approved to ship in 100 countries, including:

Afghanistan Croatia Ireland Philippines
Albania Cyprus Italy Poland
Andorra Czech Republic Jamaica Portugal
Angola Denmark Jordan Romania
Antigua and Barbuda Djibouti Kosovo Serbia
Armenia Dominica Latvia Slovakia
Australia Dominican Republic Liechtenstein Slovenia
Austria Ecuador Lithuania Solomon Islands
Azerbaijan El Salvador Luxembourg Spain
Bahamas Eritrea Macedonia Suriname
Barbados Estonia Malawi Sweden
Belarus Ethiopia Maldives Switzerland
Belgium Finland Malta Taiwan
Belize France Mexico Tajikistan
Bermuda Georgia Monaco Tanzania
Bolivia Germany Mongolia Thailand
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ghana Montenegro The Netherlands
Brunei Greece Mozambique Turkey
Bulgaria Grenada Myanmar (Burma) UAE
Burkina Faso Guatemala Nepal Uganda
Canada Honduras New Zealand United Kingdom
Cayman Islands Hungary Nicaragua United States
Central African Republic Iceland Norway Uruguay
Colombia India Panama Uzbekistan
Costa Rica Indonesia Peru Venezuela

This announcement follows the company’s achievement of the industry’s first FCC certification for its at-a-distance wireless charging technology under Part 18 of the FCC guidelines, an industry first, as well as for the company’s at-contact wireless charging. Energous is continuing to execute on a robust global regulatory campaign that will establish its footprint in priority countries and open the door for manufacturers to begin selling WattUp-enabled electronic devices in their respective markets.

As the only technology capable of both contact-based fast-charging and over-the-air wireless charging and the ability to charge multiple devices simultaneously, WattUp is a low cost and highly scalable wireless charging solution that is suitable for a variety of sized electronic devices, including smartphones, fitness trackers, earbuds, game controllers, hearing aids and more. The WattUp ecosystem, similar to WiFi, ensures interoperability between all receivers and transmitters, making the entire ecosystem flexible and accessible for both consumers and manufacturing partners, while solving their pain points with existing on-the-market wireless charging solutions.

Securing the necessary country-specific regulatory approvals for our technology is an important and essential part of the go-to-market process as we introduce WattUp wireless charging technology to regulators around the world,” said Daniel Lawless, VP of Regulatory at Energous. “Current progress of our international regulatory campaign bolsters our position and makes our WattUp wireless charging technology accessible to many more markets around the globe, with more in the pipeline.

Energous is actively working on obtaining necessary regulatory approvals in additional key countries and it anticipates more country approvals will be announced in the coming months.

To learn more about Energous, please visit or follow the company on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

About Energous
Energous is the developer of WattUp — an award-winning, wire-free charging technology that will transform the way consumers and industries charge and power electronic devices at home, in the office, in the car and beyond. WattUp is a revolutionary radio frequency (RF) based charging solution that delivers intelligent, scalable power via radio bands, similar to a Wi-Fi router. WattUp differs from older wireless charging systems in that it delivers power-at-a-distance — thus resulting in a wire-free experience that saves users from having to remember to plug in their devices. For more information, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements that describe our future plans and expectations. These statements generally use terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “seek,” “intend,” “plan,” “estimate,” “anticipate” or similar terms. Examples of our forward-looking statements in this release include our statements about FCC certification of our technology, regulatory approvals internationally, and customer releases of products utilizing our technology. Our forward-looking statements speak only as of this date; they are based on current expectations and we undertake no duty to update them. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from what we expect include: uncertain timing of necessary regulatory approvals; timing of customer product development and market success of customer products; our dependence on distribution partners; and intense industry competition. We urge you to consider those factors, and the other risks and uncertainties described in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, in evaluating our forward-looking statements.

