
Mercedes-Benz Energy Storages enter the U.S

Foundation of Mercedes-Benz Energy Americas, With the growing electrification of transportation, demand for lithium-ion batteries is constantly rising. The stationary energy storage sector presents even more opportunities for growth. Daimler entered the stationary battery storage business in 2015 with its subsidiary Deutsche ACCUMOTIVE, responsible for the development and production of highly complex drive batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles of the Mercedes-Benz and smart brands.

Especially with the establishment of the German Mercedes-Benz Energy, in charge of the development and sale of stationary energy systems, Daimler has been continuously expanding its activities in this growth segment this year. With the foundation of the U.S.-based branch, Mercedes-Benz Energy Americas, the company is consistently continuing its expansion and marks another step within the corporate strategy “CASE“. “By founding Mercedes-Benz Energy Americas, we are once again underscoring our ambition to be a technological and market leader in the field of highly efficient storage systems on a global scale”, says Marc Thomas, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Energy in Germany. “At the same time, we are making an active contribution to the process of transition towards sustainable energy generation and continuing the success story of German-based battery production.”

The energy storage concept devised by Daimler Business Innovation provides for a variety of applications. The scalability of the systems allow for industrial application of lithium-ion batteries for network stabilization and smoothing of peak shaving for energy producers, as well as private households, for example in conjunction with photovoltaic installations. Developed for the demanding use in the vehicle, the Mercedes-Benz energy storage units meet the highest safety and quality requirements. They are based on the same technology that Daimler has already used thousandfold in electric and hybrid vehicles since 2012.

Mercedes-Benz energy storage products will enter the North-American market early 2017, starting with the launch of a modular residential product. Each battery module has an energy content of 2.5 kWh that can be combined up to 20 kWh and used in various applications such as back-up power and solar self-consumption.These will be sold through various channel partners. The systems will be followed by larger energy storage systems for commercial and industrial customers. Mercedes-Benz Energy Americas will be working directly with a very diverse customer base to offer tailored solutions starting later in 2017.

Mercedes Benz Energy is uniquely positioned to not only offer solutions to the energy and storage market that will help utilities, businesses and home-owners to save costs and solve needs, however also combine the advantages of electric vehicles and energy solutions into one holistic platform”, says Boris von Bormann, CEO Mercedes-Benz Energy Americas, LLC.

