
Sheffield University opens quantum technology centre

The University of Sheffield has opened its quantum centre which brings together 70 of the university’s academic and research staff under a single umbrella.

Quantum technologies cover a broad range of phenomena – including quantum computing – that depend on science beyond classical physics.

Quantum technologies are a broad range of new materials, devices and information technology protocols in physics and engineering. They promise unprecedented capabilities and performance by exploiting phenomena that cannot be explained by classical physics.

The Sheffield Quantum Centre includes a molecular beam epitaxy machine paid for by the UK government’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) at a cost of £2.1 million. The UK government has promised to spend £1 billion on quantum research over ten years.

A joint effort between the university’s departments of physics and astronomy, of electronic and electrical engineering and computer science, the Sheffield Quantum Centre will join a northern UK universities that are developing quantum technologies.

The University of Sheffield has a 40-year history of pioneering developments in semiconductor science and technology and is host to the National Epitaxy Facility. With the addition of this new quantum technologies equipment I am confident our new research centre to many new and exciting technological opportunities that can exploit the strange but powerful concepts from quantum science.” said Professor Jon Heffernan of the university’s department of electronic and electrical engineering, in statement.

Sheffield University was the origin of the startup company Stratium a developer of bespoke quantum cascade lasers, now based in Cardiff, Wales.

Related webcast

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Quantum Technologies: Understand the Industrial Perspective – Free webcast
Quantum leaps to a commercialization state.
March 19th, 2020 at 5PM CET – 8AM PST
