
Demand surges for Irisys Gazelle devices in 2015

Irisys, the world’s No. 1 supplier of people counting detectors and grocery queue management systems, continued to expand its global footprint as demand for its Gazelle devices more than doubled over the period between January and May 2015, compared to the same time period last year.

In addition to growing demand, Irisys achieved a consecutive three-month span between February and April with zero defective devices returned from its extensive base of global installations. The zero-defect milestone bolsters Irisys’ already extremely low rate of returns while validating its industry-leading reliability and superior manufacturing standards, as well as the high quality of its intelligent devices.

These are great successes for our team at Irisys and for our customers,” says Irisys General Manager Ian Wilcock. “They are also great accomplishments for our robust network of partner resellers who take our people counting devices to the global market. Time and again, infrared technology proves to be the most reliable and most accurate means of collecting retail-traffic data. Our in-house, vertically integrated approach to design, development and manufacture is showing its ability to produce unrivaled high quality product for our customers. And developing companion products outside of firmware – like our Gazelle Estate Manager software solution – is stimulating even greater market interest in and demand for our products. We appreciate our partners for their continuous support and our end users for relying on Irisys’ products.

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Earlier this year, Irisys expanded its suite of devices with the launch of Gazelle 2. The new people counter marked yet another milestone for Irisys, which, in 2014, shipped its 300,000th intelligent device, released the Gazelle intelligent platform and debuted Estate Manager, the industry’s first truly robust, fully scalable software suite that supports people counting installations of any scale.


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Infrared Imaging Technology & Market Trends
