
Industry trends: ecosystems & packaging – Device packaging may be going to the ball

An article written by Dick Selwood for EEJournal – Two weeks after the three-ring circus that was embedded world (see “Embedded World Diary”), I was at another event: SEMI’s ISS Europe.

This was on a different scale and had a different topic. SEMI is the trade body for the companies that build the kit and supply the materials that, in turn, are used to make micro- and nano-electronics. ISS Europe (Industry Strategy Symposium) is a two-day event where members of SEMI are briefed on the trends that are going to shape the industry.

Now some of these trends, particularly the big global socio-economic issues, such as the overall economic climate and the important role of China, were discussed in “May You Live in Interesting Times”.

Other trends included:

The Internet of Things, both as a driver for manufacturing and as a security issue, which included a fascinating presentation on silicon security by Raj Samani of Intel.

The increasing autonomy of cars, where it was interesting to learn that Nissan has set two targets – zero emissions and zero fatalities – for its future cars…

To read the full article click Device packaging may be going to the ball.

Source: EEJournal

