
NCAP and Yole Développement invite you to the 2nd edition of the Advanced Packaging & System Integration Symposium

Advanced packaging is becoming a key part of the semiconductor industry’s added value, and not just a way to put a device in a box and interconnect it to a PCB. Multiple new platforms like fan-out, embedded die, and CSWLP are now available for volume manufacturing. Multiple applications (primarily mobile phones but also automotive applications) are driving the adoption of such technologies in parallel with the development of PoP, flip chip, and others.

Chinese companies and the Chinese government are massively investing in all parts of the semiconductor supply chain, including R&D, in order to create a leading semiconductor ecosystem in China. In order to gain an overview of Chinese activities and key technology and industrial trends, Yole Développement (Yole), the  NCAP (Chinese National Center for Advanced Packaging, a leading advanced packaging R&D center based in Wixi), and ASTRI have organized a two-day workshop and conference covering packaging industry evolutions. Yole Développement interviewed Dr Cao LiQiang, CEO of NCAP and asked him about the Chinese packaging industry’s evolution, the applications that are pushing new platforms, and his opinion on the industry’s rapid growth.

Yole Développement: As an introduction, can you please explain what NCAP’s mission is?

Cao LiQiang: NCAP’s mission is to establish a globally-active R&D centre for semiconductor packaging areas and gain a leading edge in advanced packaging through IP licensing and commercialization of technology development and transformation, in concert with semiconductor packaging supply chain requirements. This technology development centre will become a common technology development platform in China, complete with technology incubators and a personnel training centre.

YD: As one of China’s key R&D centers, can you explain how NCAP is positioned in the advanced packaging area?

CL: In order to develop national semiconductor core competences in advanced packaging, NCAP is responsible for supporting the development of an IC packaging value-proposition and commercialization chain, pushing world-class technology development, improving R&D development and commercialization, and cultivating a strong team with a broad global view and capabilities.

YD: Who are the others players pushing the industry in China?

CL: The other key players are from Chinese OSATs, substrate manufacturers, and universities, including JCET, NT Fujitsu, Hua Tian Science & Technology, SCC, IME (China), WLCAP, ANJILI, Xing Seng Kua Jie, Wu Xi Wu Lian Wang, NDB (National Developed Bank), Tsing Hua University, Beijing University, and Fu Dan University.

YD: What are the key platforms today? Which ones will be key in the future?

CL: Based on NCAP’s development strategy, today’s key platforms are flip chip, WLCSP, fan-in, and TSV related technologies, providing manufacturing, technology service, and process assessment. In the future, NCAP will provide fan-out, optoelectronics, and power electronics technology development platforms.

YD: What are the challenges that China faces in advanced packaging?

CL: The challenges that the whole advanced packaging industry faces are unbalanced developments of semiconductor equipment and materials in certain areas. Price and cost controls are crucial for company survival, and production output, efficiency, and technology promotion are still critical for industry development.

YD: How is NCAP supporting China’s development in advanced packaging?

CL: NCAP is supporting semiconductor packaging in terms of technology development and transferal, project collaborations, consortium and National Projects, etc.

YD: Which applications are pushing the development of advanced packaging platforms?

CL: Many applications are pushing technology development. For example, in optoelectronics, the market needs 4X10G application, and NCAP is working closely with partners to develop the technology in terms of sample preparation, documentation and IP licensing, etc. At the same time, NCAP is also supporting CIS technology development, WLCSP, and TSV-associated applications.

link NCAP 400x400 2YD: Why have Yole and NCAP decided to renew their partnership for a second edition of the Advanced Packaging & System Integration Symposium?

CL: Yole is a globally-renowned marketing and technology analysis company. With the advanced packaging industry moving very fast in China, Yole needs a strategic partner to work with and gain further understanding of the market and technology development aspects. NCAP is building up its capability and becoming well-known in China. The joint symposium solidifies our collaboration and brings huge benefits for both companies, as well as many other companies who want to enter China’s markets or prepare to enter China’s markets.

YD: Which key technical challenges will be discussed during the event?

CL: The world is currently experiencing many challenges and variations in many aspects of advanced packaging. IoT, wearable products, MEMS sensors, power electronics, optoelectronics, and others are experiencing many changes with TSV,TSV-less,  fan-in and fan-out technologies, etc., which are becoming major technical topics for discussion during the event.

YD: Who should attend this event, and why?

CL: Engineers, managers, and leaders in semiconductor advanced packaging, especially those in OSATs, material and equipment suppliers, PCB and substrate manufacturers, design houses, and foundries, as well as end-users, are welcome to attend this event because it’s a great opportunity to absorb new knowledge and market information regarding what has happened and what will happen in advanced packaging.

YD: What are your expectations for the NCAP symposium?

CL: It will be an exciting event, and I wish much success and a wonderful experience to everyone attending this joint symposium.
Welcome, event-goers, to Wuxi, Jiangsu province!

Source: and 

Discover the related interviews:


Yole Développement: Can you please introduce Besi product line, its history and current activity ?
Hugo Pristauz, VP at Besi: Besi is a leading supplier of semiconductor assembly equipment for the global semiconductor and electronics industries offering high levels of accuracy, productivity and reliability at a low cost of ownership. The Company develops leading edge assembly processes and equipment for leadframe, substrate and wafer level packaging applications in a wide range of end-user markets including electronics, mobile internet, computer, automotive, industrial, LED and solar energy.

YD: What are the main end-applications that will drive the next growth?
HP: The generic answers is: “It’s the IoT!”. The majority of key players in the semiconductor world agrees that the number of devices connected to the internet will increase vastly. The situation is a bit upside-down. Usually the idea of the product comes first, then the technology has to be developed which is the basis for the product.
Read the entire article here.


Yole Développement: What are you expecting from this 2nd Advanced Packaging and System Integration Symposium?
David Butler, VP at SPTS :We are looking forward to meeting Chinese packaging experts and learning more about their ambitions and plans. My invited talk is a great opportunity to share our story with the wider community, and show NCAP and others how we can help them, as we have helped other packaging specialists such as STATS ChipPAC, Amkor, ASE, JCAP and Huatian. We sponsored this event because we want to build our brand in the biggest region for packaging equipment, and the goals of NCAP resonate with us. 

YD: What will be SPTS strategy to penetrate the Chinese market?
DB: We have been aggressively promoting our products and capabilities to the Chinese market for more than 7 years. We have a solid installed base in multiple markets; for MEMS in the first instance and now for RF and packaging. Chinese fabs want to serve not only their domestic markets, but also the markets overseas and want to use technology that enables them to compete on the highest level…
Read the entire article here.




